101 palli rakesh

 GENERAL MEDICINE ASSIGNMENT                            I have been given the following assignment in an attempt to read, comprehend, analyze,reflect, clinical data including history, clinical findings,investigations and diagnosis.                                                                                                                                          This is the link to questions asked in the assignment;                                                                    https://generalmedicinedepartment.blogspot.com/2021/06/bimonthly-formative-and-summative_19.html?            

The answers to this point well presented

                     NEUROLOGY (case.2)
If the patient case has been summarised it would be more understandable,but other than thatthe presentations was very neat and easy to understand.if the main points were highlighter it would have been much better.

                      GASTROENTEROLOGY (case.3)
Efficacy of each drug was mentioned, standard sources was used and were mentioned in the answer.indications andmechanisms of action was also well explained in detail.It was clear and well comprehensible.  

                          PULMONOLOGY (case.4)
Beautiful flowcharts were included for both timeline and also etiology which made it is easy to understand.
                   NEPHROLOGY (case.5)


Adequate information was given , the answer was well written. it would've been better presented if important words were underlined or highlighted.
                        INFECTIOUS DISEASES (case.6)

   The patient has infected with pathogens and was having periorbital swelling associated with facial puffiness.On detailed examination and observation for a period of time showed many fluctuations in the vitals which led to examination of CVS and neural systems.The details of the examination was picturised clearly with ecg and MRI scan. They came to conclusions that the patient was infected with mucormycosis (a fungus).All the images clearly shows the infection and is well presented.

                         NEUROLOGY (case.7)
  The patient is presented with weakness of both the upper and lower limbs There was difficulty for him in walking,has dizziness, numbness of face,loss of balance and coordination.The gait of the patient clearly indicates us that he has a neurological disorder.

                          GIT- ACUTE PANCREATITIS (case .8)

Tenderness observed on deep palpation in abdomen.

They have done ultrasound abdomen to him.

The diagnosis and treatment is satisifactory.
                         CEREBELLAR ATAXIA(case.9)


 There is deprived of nutrients and oxygen to the brain .the treatement was good.

                        HEART FAILURE WITH DIABETES(case.10)


The diet he was taking is of normal mixed diet ,apetite was normal ,normal bowel movements but there is decreased urine output.

On general examination he was said to be pallor and pedal edema but no icterus ,cyanosis ,clubbing ,lymphadenopathy.

He is heavily built with central truncal obesity and a ulcer on left limb.vitals were


                            I didn't get any chance till now.so I did not make any blog to upload in this.         



Thoughts : The e-log was on the case of Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction with Atrial fibrillation. The management of HFrEF has seen significant scientific breakthrough in recent decades, and the ability to alter the natural history of disease has never been better. Its morbidity and mortality remains high . The data capture of the above case is very good but there was no mention of CHIEF COMPLAINT which has to be written in words of patient in chronological order. The chief complaint is one of the main elements of history taking. The patient's biochemical reports showed severe hyperthyroidism possibly relating to her refractory atrial fibrillation. The complete blood picture, serum electrolytes, Glycated Hb, Hiv1/2rapid test were done. The overall management of the patient was very well done but the patient unfortunately passed away : uncertainties around heart failure with reduced ejection fraction still prevail.


Logging reflective observations on my concrete experiences of a month of June

    Reflective writing is one of the most powerful and concrete ways for a student to learn the art of reflection. With this process of telemedicine, i got an opportunity to sharpen my clinical skills of history taking which is very much vital in this field of medicine. We got to know about wide range of cases , their clinical presentations. This process of e- logging helped us to discuss the cases virtually due to presence of pandemic. We even found a new case where there was hepatic derangement in co-vid patient because of which we got research about involvement of liver in co-vid patients. It was a great experience of patient centered learning through research based studies .


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